How to Grow Hydroponic Garlic in Easy Way

How to Grow Hydroponic Garlic in Easy Way- A Modern Trend

Garlic is an important herb belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family and scientifically known as Allium sativum. Garlic has a bulb which is below the soil and contains cloves which are used in dishes and have many medicinal properties. From its phenotypic view its leaves are flat and long attached to the bulb which is composed of multiple cloves in a papery covering. Garlic has a very unique flavor. When it is added to dishes it provides a separate flavor which is not matchable with other spices. In medicinal properties it is found effective in cardiovascular problems. Hydroponic garlic is cultivated in a soil less system where the year round production is become possible without interference of climate.

Why Garlic is Important:

There are some aspects of importance of garlic in tables below:

Nutritional Aspects:

NutrientAmount per 100g of Raw Garlic
Total Fat0.5g
Dietary Fiber2.1g
Vitamin C31.2mg
Vitamin B61.235mg
Phosphorus153 mg

Other Aspects:

Culinary VersatilityEnhances flavor in various dishes; a staple in global cuisines
Medicinal PropertiesPotential cardiovascular support; antimicrobial properties
Traditional and Cultural SignificanceUsed in rituals and cultural practices in various traditions
Economic ImportanceMajor global crop with significant contributions to agriculture and trade
Value-Added ProductsProduction of garlic powder, garlic oil, and supplements adds value to the food and health industries
Employment OpportunitiesCultivation, harvesting, and processing provide jobs in different regions
Global TradeContributes to international trade, supporting the global economy
Health and Wellness IndustryRecognized for potential health benefits, contributing to the wellness sector

How to Grow Hydroponic Garlic | How Can You Grow Garlic in Hydroponics:

Selection for Hydroponic System:

To grow garlic using hydroponics, you can choose systems like Deep Water Culture (DWC), Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), or Aeroponics. In DWC, garlic sits in nutrient-rich water, and in NFT, a thin layer of water flows over the roots. Aeroponics involves misting the roots with nutrients. Ensure the system has enough space for garlic bulbs to grow. You can also use vertical setups or Drip Systems, but make sure there’s ample room for bulb development. Experiment and adjust as needed for successful hydroponic garlic growing.

Commercial Garlic Hydroponic Farm | hydroponic garlic
Commercial Garlic Hydroponic Farm
Image Source: Gardening tips

Varieties of Garlic Suitable for Hydroponics:

VarietySuitability for Hydroponics
California EarlyWell-suited due to early maturity and large cloves
California LateAdaptable for hydroponic systems with a later maturity
Silver RoseSuitable for hydroponics, mild flavor, and extended shelf life
Nootka RoseAdaptable to hydroponics, slightly spicy flavor
Ajo RojoKnown for adaptability to hydroponics, strong flavor
ShandongWell-suited for hydroponics, smaller size for controlled environments

Planting Material of Garlic in Hydroponics:

To cultivate garlic hydroponically, garlic cloves, sourced from healthy bulbs, serve as the primary planting material. Optimal garlic cultivation in hydroponics involves selecting suitable cloves, planting them in a hydroponic medium like coconut coir or perlite, and ensuring they are positioned correctly with the pointed end facing upward. The cloves are set in a hydroponic system such as Deep Water Culture (DWC), Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), or Aeroponics, with a nutrient-rich solution providing essential elements for garlic growth. Environmental conditions, including pH, EC levels, temperature, and humidity, are carefully monitored and adjusted to meet garlic requirements. Adequate lighting, either natural or supplemented with LED grow lights, contributes to the photosynthesis process.

sprouting of leaves from cloves in growing medium| hydroponic garlic
sprouting of leaves from cloves in growing medium
Image Source: Thompson & Morgan

Growing Medium for Healthy Root Development:

In hydroponic cultivation of garlic, various growing media can be utilized to provide support and foster healthy root development. Popular options include coconut coir, known for its water retention and aeration capabilities, perlite, a lightweight and sterile medium ensuring proper drainage, and vermiculite, offering good water-holding capacity and aeration. Rockwool, a sterile and stable option, is often used in cubes or slabs, while expanded clay pellets, such as Hydroton, provide a lightweight and well-draining medium. When selecting a growing medium for hydroponic garlic cultivation, factors like water retention, aeration, and pH neutrality or adjustability are crucial considerations, with experimentation to determine the most effective medium for a specific hydroponic system.

Nutrient Solution for Hydroponic Garlic:

In hydroponic systems, providing an appropriate nutrient solution is crucial for the successful cultivation of garlic. Commonly, hydroponic nutrient solutions consist of a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients. Adjustments can be made as needed to maintain the solution within the appropriate range for garlic cultivation. Additionally, it’s advisable to follow manufacturer guidelines and conduct periodic checks to prevent nutrient imbalances and deficiencies in the hydroponic system, fostering healthy garlic growth.


Nitrogen (N)Essential for leaf and stem growth, protein synthesisOrganic matter, fertilizers
Phosphorus (P)Promotes root development, flower and fruit formationFertilizers, bone meal, rock phosphate
Potassium (K)Supports overall plant health, water uptake, and disease resistanceFertilizers, wood ash, compost
Calcium (Ca)Strengthens cell walls, regulates nutrient uptakeLime, gypsum, calcium-containing fertilizers
Magnesium (Mg)Key component of chlorophyll, aids in photosynthesisEpsom salt, dolomitic lime, fertilizers


Iron (Fe)Essential for chlorophyll formation, photosynthesisIron chelates, iron sulfate
Manganese (Mn)Enzyme activation, nitrogen metabolismManganese sulfate, fertilizers
Zinc (Zn)Involved in enzyme activity, hormone regulationZinc sulfate, zinc chelates
Copper (Cu)Important for enzyme function, chlorophyll synthesisCopper sulfate, copper chelates
Molybdenum (Mo)Facilitates nitrogen fixation, enzyme activationMolybdenum-containing fertilizers
Boron (B)Aids in cell division, sugar transportBorax, boric acid, boron-containing fertilizers
Chlorine (Cl)Involved in photosynthesis and osmosisFound in soil and irrigation water
Nickel (Ni)Facilitates enzyme activityNaturally present in some soils

EC and pH in Hydroponic Garlic:

Ensuring the success of garlic cultivation in hydroponics involves maintaining the correct pH and electrical conductivity (EC) levels in the nutrient solution. Ideally, the pH should be kept within the range of 6.0 to 6.5, creating a slightly acidic to neutral environment that enhances nutrient availability and uptake by garlic roots. Concurrently, the recommended EC levels range from 1.2 to 2.5 mS/cm, with adjustments based on the specific growth stage, aiming for lower EC during vegetative growth and slightly higher levels during flowering and bulb development.

Temperature Management in Hydroponic Garlic:

Temperature is the most important factor which can be maintained in a  hydroponic system. During germination and seedling phases, it is advisable to ensure temperatures ranging from 70°F to 75°F (21°C to 24°C) to encourage robust root establishment. In the vegetative growth stage, maintaining a temperature between 60°F to 70°F (15°C to 21°C) supports healthy foliage development and efficient photosynthesis. As garlic progresses to the bulb formation stage, slightly cooler temperatures ranging from 55°F to 65°F (13°C to 18°C) are recommended, contributing to enhanced bulb enlargement and quality.


Optimal humidity levels are essential for successful hydroponic garlic cultivation, impacting various growth stages. Higher humidity, approximately 70-80%, is advantageous during germination and seedling phases, supporting robust root establishment and initial growth. In the vegetative stage, slightly lower humidity, ranging from 60-70%, is recommended to prevent excess moisture around the foliage and mitigate the risk of fungal diseases. Lower humidity levels, around 50-60%, during the bulb formation stage promote optimal bulb development and reduce the likelihood of diseases, ensuring the overall quality of the garlic crop.


Successful hydroponic cultivation of garlic relies heavily on meeting the lighting requirements of the plants. When cultivating garlic hydroponically, it’s imperative to guarantee a consistent supply of adequate light throughout various growth stages. Whether through natural sunlight exposure or the use of supplemental artificial lighting like LED grow lights, maintaining optimal light conditions is key to fostering healthy foliage, robust bulb formation, and achieving an overall superior crop quality.

Pruning in Garlic:

Pruning in hydroponic garlic cultivation involves the removal of specific plant parts to enhance overall bulb development and improve resource allocation. Pruning of yellow leaves and dried matter from the plants leads to a healthy production and growth. Sometimes curly flower stems emerge from the plants leading to the seed production which can be removed so that the plants energy is diverted to the bulb production, not for the seed production. Pruning is typically performed throughout the growth cycle, allowing hydroponic garlic growers to maintain plant vigor, maximize bulb size, and achieve a higher quality harvest.

Harvesting Practice in Hydroponic Garlic:

Harvesting garlic in hydroponics involves carefully timing the process to ensure optimal bulb development. The ideal time to harvest garlic is when the lower leaves start to turn yellow and die back, indicating that the bulbs have matured. In hydroponics, this often occurs around 8 to 10 months after planting, depending on the garlic variety and specific growing conditions. To harvest, gently unearth the garlic bulbs, ensuring that the roots are intact. Shake off excess growing medium and remove any loose outer layers. After harvesting, garlic bulbs should be cured by allowing them to dry in a well-ventilated, shaded area for about 2-3 weeks.

curing of garlic after harvesting | hydroponic garlic
curing of garlic after harvesting
Image Source: wikiHow


So we see all the requirements, procedures, systems, varieties of garlic for the production in hydroponics. As we see this system is highly based on management of different aspects like controlling temperature, humidity, light, and also the nutrient solution. One who opt this system must take a training program or should take guidance from a recognized university or scientists or companies which teaches to handle this whole system. As per the production, it is very successful due to its convenience of indoor facilities and without the interference of climate garlic can be grown throughout the year.

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