Coco Coir Hydroponic Setup

Coco Coir Hydroponic Setup : Pros and cons

Coco Coir Hydroponic Setup : Coco Coir, is a natural byproduct originated from processed coconut, stems from the outer husks of coconuts. It is also known as coconut fiber. It is commonly used in serving as a standalone growing medium or being mixed with different substances like perlite or vermiculite for hydroponic setups, container gardening, seed germination, and incorporation into potting mixes.

Coco coir is typically supplied in compacted bricks or blocks, it undergoes hydration to expand several times its original size before being readied for use, offering a convenient and versatile solution for various gardening and construction needs. It is most widely used and best growing medium among all the growing mediums. It has different advantages which makes it different and superior then others which we discuss in this article.  

Role of Coco Coir in Hydroponics Setup

1. For Hydration 

 It is usually comes in compressed bricks or blocks. Before use, these bricks or blocks are hydrated by soaking them in water until they expand and soften. Once hydrated, the coir is fluffed up to ensure even distribution of moisture and air.

2. As Growing Medium

 In hydroponic systems, it can be used as a standalone growing medium or mixed with other substrates like perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage and aeration. It’s often used in various hydroponic setups such as flood and drain (ebb and flow), drip systems, or as a component in deep water culture (DWC) systems. 

3. Planting

Plants can be directly planted into containers filled with coco coir or into grow bags or pots filled with a coco coir mixture. Immediately after planting irrigation with nutrient solution is recommended as it does not contain any nutrients. 

4. Nutrient deficiency

 In hydroponic systems, nutrients are delivered directly to the plants’ roots through the nutrient solution. Coco coir acts as a substrate that holds moisture and nutrients, allowing the plant roots to absorb them as needed. It has a good retention capability of nutrients which makes nutrients available for the long term for plants.  

5. Maintenance

Coco coir requires regular monitoring to ensure proper moisture levels and nutrient uptake. Hydroponic systems using coco coir typically require periodic flushing to prevent salt buildup and maintain optimal nutrient levels. 

6. Reuse and sustainability

One of the advantages of coco coir in hydroponics is its sustainability. It cannot decompose or decay so that it can be used furthermore times. After harvesting of crops, it can again be hydrated and used as growing medium for next crops, and it also does not lose its properties. 

Properties of Coco Coir in Hydroponic  

1. pH is Neutral: 

It is naturally a neutral pH material which can easily adapt for most of the crops, or we can say a wide range of crops. 

2. Non-Availability of Nutrients: 

It does not contain any kind of nutritional properties meaning it does not contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium but it retains good water and nutrition if supplied.

3. Water retention is high: 

Among all growing mediums coco coir has almost the highest water retention power and it is highly recommended trait with respect to growing medium.  

4. Light in weight

It is a lightweight material extracted from the husk of coconut and due to its lightweight the pots are also lighter in weight with comparison to pots having filled with soils. This makes the management easy and comfortable.

5. Best for hydrponics

It is highly recommended for hydroponics due to these upper mentioned features of coco coir. Major features which make it feasible, or we can say the most appropriate are high water retention, absorption of nutrients from solution and make accessible for plants, neutral pH, and important one is light weight as in hydroponics more weight of growing medium cause difficulty in management. 

6. Aeration of roots

Good anchor for plant roots as well as high number of pores for aeration to roots. Aeration helps with proper development of roots as well as of plants, ultimately improving the yield.  

How to make coco coir pots

1. First, gather your all materials such as coco coir, a container for shaping, water, and natural twine or string.  

2. Soak the coco coir. 

3. Prepare your molds using small cups or cans, ensuring they match the desire size of pot you have. 

4. Shape the pots by pressing hydrated coco coir into the molds. 

5. Wrap natural twine around the molds for decorative flair and added stability.  

6. Then, allow the coir pots to dry completely, which may take a day or two depending on humidity levels and speed up the process by placing them in a sunny spot or near gentle heat.  

7. At last, carefully remove the dry pots from the molds and proceed to fill them with soil, plant your desired plants or seeds, and water accordingly for planting. 

Process to Use Coco Coir Bricks as Growing Medium

1. Assemble all the necessary materials: 

I) Coco coir fiber 

II) Large container or bucket 

III) Water 

These materials are used to create coco coir bricks for use as a growing medium. 

2. Then, hydrate the coco coir brick by placing it in the container and gradually adding water, ensuring thorough saturation.  

3. Break apart the brick as needed to aid in even water absorption.  

4. Let the coir soak for several hours until fully expanded and fluffy. 

5. Afterward, drain excess water from the coir, either by lifting it out of the water or gently squeezing it.  

6. Once drained, fluff up the hydrated coir to ensure uniform distribution and aeration. If desired for future use, shape the moistened coir into brick-sized blocks and allow them to air dry before storage. 

7. When ready to use, rehydrate the medium bricks by soaking them in water until they expand, then fluff them up before planting or placing them in containers. 


1. Excellent water retention 

2. Good aeration 

3. Neutral pH 

4. Sustainable 

5. Reusable 

6.  Easy to handle 

7. Among all growing mediums coco coir has almost the highest water retention power and it is highly. Recommended trait with respect to growing medium.   

8. Good anchor for plant roots as well as high number of pores for aeration to roots. Aeration helps with proper development of roots as well as of plants, ultimately improving the yield.  


1. Requires regular monitoring of nutrient level 

2. Decomposition over time 

3. Potential for salinity buildup over time 

4. Low cation exchange capacity (CEC) 

5. Initial cost may be higher 

Procedure of coco coir hydroponic setup

1. Materials needed

  • Coco coir bricks or blocks 
  • Containers or growing trays 
  • Hydroponic nutrient solution 
  • pH testing kit 
  • Growing medium (optional, for seed starting) 

2. Preparation

  • Hydrate the coco coir bricks or blocks by soaking them in water until they expand and soften. Fluff up the hydrated coir to ensure even distribution and aeration. 

3. Set-up

  • Fill containers or growing trays with the hydrated medium, leaving enough space for plant roots to grow. 
  • Set up a reservoir to hold the hydroponic nutrient solution. Ensure its large enough to accommodate the number of plants and has proper aeration. 

4. Planting

  • Plant seedlings or seeds directly into the coco coir, ensuring they’re positioned at the appropriate depth. 
  • If starting seeds, use a separate growing medium such as rockwool cubes or seedling trays until the seedlings are ready to transplant into the coco coir. 

5. Nutrient management

  • Monitor the pH and nutrient levels of the hydroponic nutrient solution regularly using a pH testing kit. 
  • Adjust the pH of the nutrient solution as needed to maintain it within the optimal range for plant growth. 
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing and applying the hydroponic nutrient solution to ensure proper plant nutrition. 

6. Maintenance

  • Check the moisture levels of the coco coir regularly and water as needed to maintain consistent moisture for plant roots. 
  • One more thing is the nutrient amount to be checked as it may affect the growth and development of plants. 

7. Harvesting

  • Depending on the type of plants grown, harvest them when they reach maturity. Harvesting methods vary depending on the plant species and intended use. 

8. Cleaning and reuse

  • After harvesting, clean and sterilize the medium to remove any remaining roots, debris, or pathogens. 
  • When it is properly sterilized and cleaned it can also be reused as a growing medium. It retains all his properties, and it is a positive thing of this growing medium  


Coco coir is the most widely used and best growing medium among all the growing mediums. It is convenient and versatile solution for various gardening and construction needs. There are different kinds of growing mediums present in the market and also many choices of growing mediums are available. The selection of growing medium should be dependent upon the type of growing system and plant types. It has some pros and cons and after studying all that, the choice of coco coir is taken. But as it is neutral in pH and used for almost all crops made this a versatile growing medium and a trending growing medium. 

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